What’s the problem?

The web giants are so powerful that they exercise technical, economic, cultural and political domination over our societies.

These dominations pose many problems for our freedoms:

  • Surveillance capitalism
  • Democratic drift
  • Closure to a single vision of society
  • Centralization of data and attention

What are the solutions?

Free software communities offer ethical alternatives to the centralised platforms by the web giants: It is possible to find trusted services that respect our privacy!

Deconstructing and changing our digital habits also means making efforts on a daily basis. Here are some links to help you in your emancipation:

Design useful tools

Exchanging with others

Having fun

Organize together



But wasn’t there more before…?

Between 2014 and 2019, we have made almost 40 online services available to users with the De-google-ify Internet campaign. In 2019, we have decided to close or restrict some of these services.
Find their alternatives at alt.framasoft.org

Ki áll a Internet Google-mentesítése mögött?

A Internet Google-mentesítése szolgáltatást egy francia nonprofit egyesület, a Framasoft biztosítja.

2004-ben alapították, az egyesület célja a digitális korszak és a kulturális közjavak kihívásainak köztudatba juttatása. Az apró szervezetünk (39 tag, köztük 11 alkalmazott) az Internet Google-mentésítése projektünkről (16 etikus és alternatív online eszköz) és a PeerTube, Mobilizon, stb. fejlesztéséről ismert. A közhasznúként elismert Framasoft 96%-ban adományokból fenntartott, melyek a francia adófizetők esetén levonhatók az adóból.

Support Framasoft

Because freedom doesn’t mean it’s free…

Framasoft is a not-for-profit which can only keep running thanks to your donations. Do you like what we do? Do you think we’re going in the right direction? If so, and you’re able to make a donation, we’d very much appreciate it!

1. I want to give to Framasoft

2. I complete my information

I represent

In France, thanks to the tax deduction of 66%, your donation of €10 will cost you only €3.

3. I access the payment


  • Recurring donations can be stopped anytime, just ask us.
  • If you want to modify your recurring donation, please contact us, we will stop the current one and you will be able to make a new one.
  • Tax receipts (in France only) are sent by postal mail in March/April 2025 (before tax declaration) for 2024 donations
  • Financial and activity reports can be found on the not-for-profit page
  • If you have more questions, you may find answers there

A kampány kezdete: 07/10/2014
A legutóbbi frissítés: 18/07/2022