De-google-ify Internet
Media area
Media area
De-googl-ify Internet is a campaign that lasted three years (Oct. 2014 - Oct. 2017), but which is part of a more general Framasoft journey.
Browse through the fresco below to discover the key dates (full screen available here).
Visuals for the de-google-ify campain
The visuals below are under free license, the credits are specified under each tab.
These visuals are in large size (contrary to appearances). However, if you need a higher resolution, feel free to contact us.
Maps credits: Simon « Gee » Giraudot, freely reusable under license Creative Commons By-SA 4.0
Map “Before”

Map of France invaded by GAFAM services (Oct 2014)
Map “After”

Map of France with Framasoft’s alternatives (Oct 2016)
Animated map

Animation: the recapture of GAFAM services (in .gif format)
Press Release
The “De-google-ify Internet” campaign already received a lot of attention during the first year. Here are some extracts from our Press release.
Date | Media | Links |
7/30/2017 | Usbek & Rica | Link to the article |
2/26/2017 | Konrad Lishka | Link to the article |
2/5/2017 | France 24 / Mashable | Link to the article |
12/15/2016 | Next Inpact | Link to the article |
12/10/2016 | Le Monde | Link to the article |
12/10/2016 | Le Figaro | Link to the article |
11/28/2016 | L’Âge de Faire (n°114) | Link to the summary of the issue |
11/5/2016 | France Culture | Link to the podcast |
10/19/2016 | | Link to the article |
10/17/2016 | Worldcrunch | Link to the article |
10/3/2016 | Libération | Link to the article |
10/10/2016 | France Info | Link to the listening page |
10/24/2015 | Le Soir (Belgique) | Link to the article (subscribers) |
8/24/2016 | | Link to the article |
2/3/2015 | L’Humanité | Link to the article |
Framasoft in a few links…
- Contact us (This form relates directly to our press service).
- Wikipedia page dedicated to Framasoft.
- Framasoft Complete presentation.
- Framasoft Press release.
Framasoft is a freely available public education network which aims to promote and spread free software and free culture.
As a link between the world of free software and the general public, our association offers many projects (directory software, a publisher, a websearch engine, etc.), with three main goals: Free Software, Free Culture, and Free Services.
The logo is a realization of JosephK under license Creative Commons By-SA 4.0
Campaign began on 07/10/2014
Last modification on the 18/07/2022